The R4 works with MicroSD and Micro SDHC cards. You can put almost 20 NDS roms onto a singe 4GB MicroSD card and simply carry that in your R4. The obvious benefits of this system are that you don't need to carryĪlong tons of tiny cartridges all over the place. Onto a Micro-SD card, pop it into the R4/R4i, put the R4 into your Nintendo DS and start playing. To begin with, what is a flashcart ? Well, flashcarts are devices that allow you to play backups of your games on the Nintendo DS. The R4i costs $19.95, and as the name suggests works on all flavours of the NDS including the new Nintendo DSi.

The R4 SDHC retails for $12.95 and works on the Kickgaming was nice enough to send me these two flashcarts for reviewing.